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Tyche Softwares is all about WooCommerce plugins that earn more for you, increase your productivity & make store management easy. If you’re looking for solutions that can increase your sales by recovering abandoned carts, improve the post-purchase customer experience with a delivery date calendar or turn your services into bookable products, we can help you out!

We’re a WordPress development company that specialises in creating high-quality niche WooCommerce plugins. Our plugins have proudly powered eclectic businesses (pastry shops, flower boutiques, bike rentals, restaurants-you name it!) in over 75 countries.

Some of our well-known plugins are Abandoned Cart Pro, Booking & Appointment, and Order Delivery Date Pro. If you’re looking for solutions to help you make your order management a bit easier, we have the Custom Order Numbers & Custom Order Status plugins just for you! Additionally, we also have other plugins that are used on over 150000+ active websites.

At Tyche Softwares, we believe that each and every business has specific needs. In order to cater to them and provide a smooth experience for your customers, our core team works relentlessly to help you boost your business. One of our best assets? A superior customer support experience! These reviews are a testimony of that.

Our ultimate goal? To provide top-notch services to our customers through our products & team! Get in touch with us via Facebook or Twitter.

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Get a 25% discount on all our WooCommerce plugins. You get superior customer support & a year worth of updates. And hey, we’ve got your back with a 30-day money-back guarantee.